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EMS Captain (EMS-1)


Robertson County EMS white pickup truck with EMS graphics

The role of an EMS Captain is pivotal in the seamless functioning of emergency medical services. Responsible for overseeing daily operations and personnel during EMS shifts, these leaders staff a non-transport-capable vehicle, equipped with vital medications and equipment. This specialized vehicle supplements on-scene care provided by ambulances or provides immediate care until a transporting ambulance arrives. 

Attending key events and meetings, the EMS Captain contributes significantly to the EMS system's smooth operation, fostering collaboration and staying updated on advancements to enhance emergency medical services for the community they serve. Their dedication ensures a well-prepared and efficient response to any medical crisis.​


1. Rapid Response Coordination: Upon receiving an emergency call, the EMS Supervisor swiftly organizes the deployment of the non-transport vehicle to the scene. They assess the situation and ensure the

2. Advanced Life Support: In this equipped vehicle, the EMS Supervisor is prepared to administer advanced medical care. They evaluate the patient's condition, utilize cardiac monitoring for vital signs, administer medications as required, and manage critical interventions such as airway management, defibrillation, or IV therapy. The EMS supervisor ensurse the availability and functionality of ALS equipment, including a cardiac monitor, blood product administrion, ALS medications, CYNO kit (cyanide antidote kit), and rehabilitation supplies.

3. Scene Command and Coordination: Beyond patient care, the EMS Supervisor assumes command over medical operations at a scene. They establish order, organize available resources, and coordinate with other responders to ensure efficient operations. This involves directing EMS personnel, collaborating with law enforcement or fire departments, and maintaining bystander safety. They assess the need for additional medical support, determine the optimal transport destination based on patient needs, and liaise with hospitals to prepare for incoming patients as needed.

5. Post-Incident Reporting and Evaluation: Following the emergency, the EMS Supervisor participates in debriefings, prepares comprehensive incident reports, and evaluates the team's performance. This evaluation is vital for continual improvement and ensuring the highest standards of care during subsequent emergency responses.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Clinical Expertise: Thorough knowledge of advanced medical procedures, medications, and equipment utilized in emergency care.
  • Leadership and Decision-Making: Ability to lead a team in high-pressure situations, make rapid and effective decisions, and prioritize tasks efficiently.
  • Communication Skills: Strong communication abilities to coordinate with multiple agencies, provide clear instructions, and interact empathetically with patients and their families.
  • Critical Thinking: Capability to assess complex situations, adapt to changing conditions, and devise strategies accordingly.

In summary, an EMS Supervisor is an essential leader in emergency response. Their combination of advanced medical expertise with organizational skills ensures timely and effective care during challenging situations, contributing significantly to saving lives and achieving optimal patient outcomes.







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